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Student News 17.02.22

I know that we've been gone for some time but now we're back with some exciting news. It's nearly half term and the teachers/children have already lost the plot!!! We hope you enjoy this week's edition.heart


Year 1 have been busy and to start the task, they've been reciting their own superhero poems inspired by Michael Rosen! In science, they've been learning about Jane Goodall who looked after chimpanzees. They've been practicing their loud voice although they're not going to need to practice it on the playground.laugh


Year 2 have been learning about the Great Fire Of London. They've also been conducting bread experiments, thank goodness there wasn't there wasn't a great fire of Great Kingshill! In IT, they have been working animations. How cool is that? Relating to their Tudor topic, they've been making Tudor houses (been working hard!). Finally, they were making Mezuzah scrolls (OOOOOH).


To start of their week, they've been doing raps but with their own twist. In English they performed poems about the layers of the rainforest (down below you can see the display). They designed a pattern for a particular customer a few were: Spiderman, red riding hood and merlin the wizard. In PSHE they played a game based on teamwork. Lastly, in science they looked at animals and plant's adaptation and designed their own super rainforest animal.