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The teaching of writing at Great Kingshill in underpinned by the choice of high quality texts, each year group has selected a wide range a literature to inspire the pupils to become motivated and competent writers. Processes such as talk for writing and shared writing support pupils in developing the skills they need to become proficient and confident writers.

In Early Years and Key Stage 1, we incorporate the Talk for Writing model into the teaching of writing and the use of story mapping to provide pupils with a sound structure to base their writing upon. Children are taught writing skills through studying a range of both fiction and non-fiction texts including teacher produced models. Children are encouraged and supported to learn texts by heart, before trying to innovate them and gradually apply more independent changes to the model until they can write freely with confidence. In addition, in Key Stage 1, picture books and topic work are used as a stimulus for writing. In Key Stage 2, children are taught to write through Novel Study. All of their writing is inspired by novels and they study three novels per academic year. Challenging texts are chosen to ensure that children have an excellent model for their own writing.

During their time at GKCS, children are exposed to a range of classic and contemporary poetry. They have the opportunity to use these poems as a model for their own writing.