Student News 17.02.22
I know that we've been gone for some time but now we're back with some exciting news. It's nearly half term and the teachers/children have already lost the plot!!! We hope you enjoy this week's edition.
I know that we've been gone for some time but now we're back with some exciting news. It's nearly half term and the teachers/children have already lost the plot!!! We hope you enjoy this week's edition.
Dear GKCS,
We haven't updated on here in a long time but I hope you're excited to read this week's news .. Year 1 have a new teacher- Mrs Cook. Year 1 have been busy learning about real life superheroes and had a workshop about them. Many of the other year groups have been busy and working hard. We hope you enjoy the blog. The bloggers
Hey everyone, welcome to our third edition of our brilliant blog! This week we have been especially busy, racing around the school collecting exciting news. Earlier this week, KS1 went on a cinema trip to watch 'Mary and the witch's flower', we were just sad we couldn't come
. We hope you enjoy reading about exciting events in our school. Have a great Friday and wonderful weekend.
From the bloggers.
By Khadeeja Khaliq, Kian Byne, Leo Vye, Rory Tallack, Ollie Vye, Malaika Abdul-Khaliq, Jacob Horrocks, Tom Wimsett, Immy Shah, Orla Stay and Poppy Dean
By Khadeeja Khaliq, Kian Byne, Leo Vye, Rory Tallack, Ollie Vye, Malaika Abdul-Khaliq, Jacob Horrocks, Tom Wimsett, Immy Shah, Orla Stay and Poppy Dean