Student News 19.11.21
By Khadeeja Khaliq, Kian Byne, Leo Vye, Rory Tallack, Ollie Vye, Malaika Abdul-Khaliq, Jacob Horrocks, Tom Wimsett, Immy Shah, Orla Stay and Poppy Dean
Hey everyone, as you might know it is anti-bullying week and we thought what not a better way to have an anti-bullying special blog. We kicked this week of by wearing odd socks to support anti-bullying. We've asked children what kindness means to them. Later on you will hear about some of the activities children have taken part in. Have a great Friday and wonderful weekend.
From the Bloggers
This week the receptions have been having a fabulous time learning about kindness. Much to our delight they all know that bullying is bad and how to be good. These are some of their great ideas on how to be kind. No hurting, different ways to show and act respectful and sharing. Also they love to play together and not to leave anyone out as that makes other people sad.
Year 1-6 How to show KINDNESS
One of our lovely year fives said kindness means to make someone feel included and respected.
Year one came up with a great act of kindness- saying hello to anyone that passes.
Other ideas were - holding doors open for others, complementing people, thanking and forgiving and lastly our favourite to feel happy yourself
Pudsey Day-
Today we celebrated Children In Need day.
To start of the fun we dressed in yellow and spotty clothes.
Everyone enjoyed the day, had lots of fun and most importantly we helped raise money for a very important cause!